Welcome to my blog. Join me as we explore life in God's presence.
“…that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death…. (Philippians 3:10)
A long time ago Moses asked to see God's glory. He had seen God's acts, but Moses knew there was more. He wanted to know God. The Lord did not hesitate to answer his prayer. As Moses stood in the cleft of a rock, God gave his servant a glimpse of His glory. I have always identified with Moses' prayer. My heart's desire is to know God. I am not talking about doctrinal correctness or about getting my facts straight. Nor am I talking about gaining His finite blessings. I believe truly knowing God transcends these things. To know God is to live in who He is. It is to behold the Infinite One.
I have never seen God with my eyes, but this blog is about what I have seen with my heart. I hope it will help you understand your own journey, and I pray it will help you see that God is closer to you than you can imagine. Join me as we explore life in God's presence.